Amazon Business Seminar

Amazon Business Seminar

Seminar 1: 04.12.2022, Sunday 18:30 (Germany time)
Seminar 2: 12.12.2022, Monday 18:30 (Germany time)
Expert: Selim Dursun from Saltu Akademi


  1. What are the Reasons for Failure on Amazon?
  2. Different Sales Methods According to Everyone’s Situation on Amazon
  3. Print-on-Demand System
  4. The most useful tools
  5. How should the features of the product we will sell be?
  6. How to find new product ideas
  7. Ideal Company Form for Amazon
  8. Required Insurances for Amazon Sellers
  9. What to Consider When Opening an Amazon Account
  10. What to Consider in Amazon Sales
  11. Advice for Those Ready to Start Amazon
  12. Shipment from FBA Warehouse to Customers on Different Platforms
  13. If Other Sellers Stick to Your Listing
  14. Tax issues related to the European Amazon

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